
weird fuzzy creatures

NOT DANGEROUS. these strange, randomly shaped creatures with various amounts of eyes and no other facial features act as stray cats or squirrels- some of them might be a little rude or skittish but not inherently dangerous. can even be tamed and kept as pets.


NOT DANGEROUS. large groups of mannequins sometimes appear, wandering around only when no eye contact is on them. they do not attack. they’re just doing their own thing.

physics breaking animals

NOT DANGEROUS. sometimes stray animals deny physics- floating, morphing shape, stacking on top of each other, etc.


EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. eyeballs with angel wings floating around are NOT TO BE MADE EYE CONTACT WITH for over 40 seconds under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. most commonly, looking at them will just give you anything from a cold, a headache, to a bad flu or fever, but some people have been proven to be killed, driven insane, flown into a suicidal and/ or homicidal rage, fall into comas, or become completely paralyzed. to avoid eye contact, look instead at their wings.

taxidermy animals

NOT DANGEROUS. taxidermy animals on the walls can actually hold intelligent conversation and are sentient.